One trick Pony/See me, Feel me, Touch me, Heal me


One trick pony, 152.4cm x 183cm, Olje på lerret (2021)

See me, Feel me, Touch me, Hear me, 127cm x 183cm, Olje på lerret. (2021)

FRANCESCA FACCIOLA billedkunstner, new york

“When I think of the theme sex in my work what first comes to mind is control. Both of these paintings I used my body to create the central figure. First I start with making the outfits, I call them suits. A red vinyl latex horse suit, and a larger than life plush nude female doll.


For the painting One trick Pony  I had turned my body into a horse, ass facing the viewer as I look back. My only human attribute showing are my eyes. I have become this anthropomorphic horse on display, while I play the part as the voyeur. Playing with the balance of being seen and staying hidden. 

See me, Feel me, Touch me, Heal me Is a bigger than life stuffed little girl doll. Her framing and pose is reminiscent of a playboy spread or magazine cover photo. She is a woman on display. She is the fetishished sexy baby actually materialized. Her large human-like scale is uncanny. I am inside of this baby doll suit, for this painting I lay in a very nude vulnerable state surrounded by the comfort of staying hidden while baring it all. 

As the artist I am in control of how I am being viewed. That power gives me pleasure.


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