Week 22: Care, Wool, and Moon.


Av Mari Lorenzten

KUNSTNERNES HUS - Care and Complaint by Nora Sulejmani, Vishnu Vardhani and Johanna Hedva

19:00-21:00, 30.05.23

This event brings together artists, activists and curators to consider the relationship between care, complaint and access, and how institutions might better attend to these as a commitment to a more inclusive arts ecology. It opens with a letter commissioned especially for this event from Johanna Hedva, followed by a poem by Vishnu Vardhani. In correspondence with Hedva’s letter and Vardhani’s poem, curators Yvonne Billimore and Miriam Wistreich host a panel discussion with Vishnu Vardhani and activist Nora Sulejmani, discussing complaint as a form of care.

Read more about the event here!

NATIONAL MUSEUM - Oltre Terra. Why Wool Matters?

26.05.23 – 01.10.23

“Oltre Terra. Why Wool Matters” brings together various items like paintings, textiles, photographs, and videos that relate to sheep farming and the wool industry. Three are a 1,700-year-old tunic, goat masks, and a commissioned video work by artist Joanna Piotrowska. At the center of the exhibition, visitors are invited to relax on a large carpet made of a type of wool that would normally be discarded by the wool industry. There is also plenty of research material that lets you delve deeper into the exhibition’s topics.

Read more about the exhibition here!

UKS - Moon In Your Mouth by Thora Dolven Balke, Tarek Lakhrissi, and Inari Sandell

26.05.23 – 25.06.23

How to think about consent as a methodological tool, and how to host or mediate different agencies in relation to the presentation of artistic work? And how does one access intimacy if we think of intimacy as seeing and being seen? The exhibition, Moon in Your Mouth, considers consent, intimacy, and emotional labor in the realm of exhibition-making.

Read more about the exhibition here!


Uke 40: Figurative fornøyelser og ustabilitet.


Week 21: Cherry Tree, Imaginary Conversations, and the Bloodshed.